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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Comedy > Vacation (2015)
  ProdID: 7217 - Vacation (2015)Directed byJohn Francis Daley, Jonathan M Goldstein Product Score: 9.5 
Vacation (2015)

Price : POA
Supplier :
Available : August 2015

Hoping to bring his family closer together and to recreate his childhood vacation for his own kids, an adult Rusty Griswold takes his wife and two sons on a cross-country road trip to Walley World. Needless to say, things don't go quite as planned.
Pay to see it again
Attention Span
Laugh Factor
Personal Choice
shellcruise   Review #16631 - Dated: 24th of July, 2016
  Author: shellcruise

It has been a very long time since I have seen a movie that had me laughing constantly. Not always laughs of humour but more along the range of 'omg I can not beleive they just did that' or 'no way gross', but nevertheless I found myself laughing non stop. I am usually one against toilet humour and find vomiting scenes disgusting but this was so well done and I was close to tears as Christina tried to prove she was still young enough to chug a jug and then do an obstacle course that she had designed when younger or when the family bathed in a questionable stream.

Originally, I had taped hoping that it would be a good family movie but I am so glad that my husband and I decided to view first as no way can younger children watch. To be honest my husband gave up half way and pulled his tablet out but I still heard him laughing or scoffing as the movie progressed.

For anyone that has seen the original Vacation movie with Chevy Chase you will already know the premise of the movie - basically a road trip that has catastrophe after catastrophe and anything that can go wrong most certainly does. This is however different from the original Vacation as it has two boys instead of a boy and a girl and they drive a different car so they have definitely 'changed it up' (insert roll eyes here). From having a drive thru cow to bathing in raw sewage it has it all and is not afraid to cross the lines.

Surprisingly the pace of the movie never slowed down and continued at a steady pace which I really enjoyed and can honestly say not a lot of movies can pull this off. Some nice unexpected casting and I found everyone brought something new to the movie. I was concerned when I saw Leslie Mann was cast as the sister but she was not over the top and thankfully they focused more on her husband Chris Hemsworth and his 'baby leg'. The youngest son was extremely freaky and had both my husband and myself shocked on more than one occasion. I even found my mouth wide open and my hand covering it, after a very questionable car scene.

Overall if you want to watch something that is utterly stupid, you can't help but laugh this is the movie for you. The special effects are great and as is the comedy factor. The casting is spot on and I really can not complain much about it except my children will not be watching for a really, really long time. Also, worth noting that you should pay attention to the opening and closing credits some extreme chuckles are had before the movie even starts. definitely a Vacation I will not be taking but would not mind watching again.

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