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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Snack Foods > Proper Crisps - Barbeque Rub
  ProdID: 8961 - Proper Crisps - Barbeque RubBrand / Manufactured by:Proper Crisps Product Score: 9.0 
Proper Crisps - Barbeque Rub

Price : $4.20 / 150g bag
Supplier :
Available : at supermarkets nationwide

Low and slow or a red hot sizzle, we love a good Barbeque! We've crafted a spicy, smoky rub that pairs perfectly with our spuds. A bag of Proper Barbeque Rub crisps is the only side needed for your BBQs this summer.

Ingredients: Potatoes, High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Yeast Extracts, Sea Salt, Smoked Paprika, Raw Sugar, Onion, Garlic, Ground Black Pepper, Citric Acid, Chipotle.
Personal Choice
shadowshaded   Review #22596 - Dated: 4th of May, 2022
  Author: shadowshaded

Chips are one of the greatest go-to snacks as they are easily accessible, have so many varieties of flavors, and are always in high supply so there's no shortage of getting your hands on them. These chips were on my radar to try out as I love smoky flavors and barbeque rub sounds so appealing to me as I love the taste of smoked meats. Proper Crisps are well known to me for being a product of high quality and consistency of being great. I love the light crispy chips as they pack a lot of flavor and crunch in every single one.

I opened up the 150g bag and took out a handful of chips to have. They were well coated in a lovely deep brownish-red powder and had a lovely sweet smoky aroma to them. I munched down on them and they had that lovely crisp crunch that I expected from Proper crisps and I really loved the tangy BBQ flavor that had a subtle spiciness to it from the smoked paprika and chipotle. Another great thing about these chips is that they cater to a wider range of people being gluten-free and vegan friendly. My family loved these chips and we have since had many more of them as they seem to be a weekly staple in our grocery cart.

I recommend these chips to anyone who likes the lighter crispier style chips and likes smoky tangy flavors. They are easy to sit down with while watching a movie and snack away on or have them for school lunches, walks, or add as a side for meals. All my children loved these and my partner was a big fan, especially being gluten intolerant and vegan there isn't really a big range of products like this so she was very fond of them.

Personal Choice
kiwigirl04   Review #22585 - Dated: 12th of April, 2022
  Author: kiwigirl04

We love proper crisps in our house 1 reason bring they're gluten free and don't seem to have all the nastiness in them. Seem yo be name as natural as possible with herbs and spices we have heard of or use in our own everyday cooking. Now one of my favorite flavors of potato chips is BBQ but it's either not enough flavour or doesn't taste how I eould expect BBQ flavour to taste.

Something back to proper crisps the packet like all the other flavors is easy to read, nice design and on the back has all the ingredients including eho made this packet your eating which is really cool and personalized. Prefect little touch in my eyes. Upon opening this packet it was easy and the smell came pouring out in instantly thought of paprika and then right there in the ingredients there it is I cook with that spice slot so was a little excited. On inspection of the crisp the flavor seems evenly over the crisps and not too much of it. Tasting was really good you can taste those spices and it really gave a kick when eating too many. A packet this size I would have finished in one sitting but this took us 3 days to eat and share. The hubby who doesn't tend to eat any other flavour than salt n vinegar took a few then couldn't stop eating said "these are the best ever".

The colourvof the crisp didn't surprise me as paprika has its own colour, the crisps weren't too thin or too thick, sadly had a lot of broken but this could of been from transportation and not from proper crisps themselves. Even the kids drove in and ate them. The crumbs had a lot of flavour which I found grab a huge burst in the mouth. Overall these would be my favorite BBQ chips hands down. The price isn't in my budget sadly and only for 150g it seems steep guess it would be only brought kn sale or for a devil occasion just just a random movie and snacks.

Personal Choice
fliss1   Review #22566 - Dated: 23rd of February, 2022
  Author: fliss1

I have tried a good few proper products over the years and they are very good. They are probably one of my preferred brands and this comes from the consistent quality and flavours they produce. So to be fair I am a little biased in favour of their crisps (I do wish they didn't seem so British in their packaging but that is my personal foible - sometimes they look a bit Enid Blyton on the packets).

The packet had all the scary and relevant information to tell you these probably aren't the best choice of snack food labelling on the back, which is important when you have guests over so you know they are suitable or not for other people. I loved the smell on breaking into the packet (which was nice and easy), a good strong waft of BBQ. Pouring them out into bowls was easy and the volume was as I expected for the packet size.

This was probably the most disappointing I have experienced in chip structure though for a while, as there was most small bits and dust at the bottom than I would have expected. I may have just squished the bag a bit much in the moving but still proper usually address this sort of thing better than other brands.

The flavour is good and smoky and has a small kick to it. The coating was liberal and changed the colour a most lovely rich orange which was pretty if you were putting out a range of chippies. I am a lover of a classic salt and vinegar so this is probably not a personal winner for me.

Also the chips were a bit thinner than I would have liked - fewer more solid is likely just to be my personal preference so once you know this you know where they fit for you. These needed no accompaniment and went down a treat with a movie between two of us (yes I know that is very indulgent!). Sharing a big bag of a nice flavoured chippie is a good treat for me and my husband who are not dessert lovers so we will likely be adding these to our choices in future (unfortunately I think the flavour would not be my first choice but he said it was great).

These go down easily but for me personally not the winner in the proper range which has some others I much prefer but would not say no if they were on offer for a taste. A high-quality product for those who like the smoky taste in a lighter chip.

Personal Choice
sassy121   Review #22456 - Dated: 24th of November, 2021
  Author: sassy121

Our household absolutely loves to eat potato chips, every grocery shop we will buy several bags to last the week. Lately we have just been buying the standard potato chips, but while browsing the KIWIreviews site I noticed these BBQ Rub crisps from Proper Crisps. Personally I had never tried this brand to my recollection, but had heard good things from friends and reviews online. I requested a packet and was stoked to be able to review them.

The packaging is quite different in an eye catching way, the contrasting colours teamed with the artwork of potatoes, seasoning and crisps, draws your attention to the packet. This product in its 150g bag, has a 3.5 health star rating, is gluten free and vegan friendly. On the reverse side of the bag there is a brief rundown on how the crisps are created lovingly. There are approximately 3.7 servings in the packet, which I was going to share between the family.

When it came time to try the crisps, the packaging was easy to open, and a delicious smokey BBQ scent wafted out of the bag and to my nose. I grabbed some bowls and dished out the contents, adults got more than children, as in the past BBQ has not been a favourite flavour for them. The smell of the crisps was making my mouth salivate, I picked a crisp up, the crisps are thin and coated in the BBQ spice mix. I took a bite and was met with an incredible crunch, the perfect way to deal a decent crisp!
I was surprised by just how much flavour the company had managed to get into such a thin crisp. The spices all work well together, but I found the chipotle the strongest, especially with the aftertaste. I asked the children what they thought - 2 liked them and quickly demolished their helping, whereas my youngest said they were too spicy for him, and he didn't want to finish them - more for me.

In my opinion these crisps are a winner, but as mean as it sounds I probably wouldn't share them with my children, as the 2 older kids just hoovered them down like it was a race, and at that price I think these should be savoured. After trying these BBQ Rub crisps I am now intrigued to find some different flavoured products from this brand to try.

Personal Choice
savta   Review #22441 - Dated: 22nd of November, 2021
  Author: savta

I think there is very little I can say about Proper Crisps that has not already been said. Quite simply, these are some of the crunchiest, most flavoursome crisps on the market today - and our family always look for this brand when they are shopping because they know they are going to get a quality product. However, this new flavour stands out as an extra special variety because it packs a punch with its smoky flavour and heady aroma. We all like barbequed meals, especially as the weather gets warmer, and these crisps are the perfect side dish to serve with the seared fish or grilled steaks. They even went well with my cousin's vegan hemp burger, which was added to the grill well away from the meat and fish.

Having eaten two-thirds of the packet with our various barbequed protein items and a large green salad, we rescued the rest of the packet so we could try them next day. It was clear that the contents were going to disappear very quickly if I did not remove the remainder! I had good intentions - I was going to put them in an airtight container overnight so they did not lose their crispness. Alas, I forgot, and when I checked the packet next day, I was prepared to find the contents had gone soft. To my delight, the crispness was still there. I am not sure how long it would have lasted as we were not going to have them around that long, but it was reassuring to find that they were still in peak condition 24 hours after being opened.

The plan was to have a bean and tomato dish pie for dinner, topped with filo pastry and served with a side dish of crisps and salad. Unfortunately, the filo pastry was past its best so we had to discard it - unlike the crisps, it had not survived being open for a couple of days and was already displaying a couple of mouldy patches. That went straight into the compost bucket, and it was Proper Crisps to the rescue! Instead of serving the crisps as a side dish, I sprinkled them on top of the pie and put the dish into a hot oven just long enough to warm them through - the rest of the pie was already hot and I did not want to burn the topping.

Everyone was intrigued at the innovative "pie-crust", but their surprise turned to delight when they actually tasted it. The beans were laced with chilli and tomato puree, but the crisps added a subtle sweetness with a hint of paprika and onion. Couple that with the crispness that still remained and the whole family gave it the thumbs up. The only complaint was that they would have liked more crisps. We could probably have used the entire packet and next time I may well do that. There are already plans to replicate this meal with a larger helping of crisps and possibly a dollop of yoghurt and guacamole on top. What started as a fusion "make do" may well turn out to be a family favourite. Goodbye pastry!

Personal Choice
loten10   Review #22436 - Dated: 21st of November, 2021
  Author: loten10

When it comes to snack flavours, barbeque would have to be up there with the very best. Super savoury yet delightfully sweet, the combination alongside smoked paprika is truly magical. So when your favourite snack brand produces a barbeque flavoured chip, you have to give it a try. We were really excited to put these Barbeque Rub chips by Proper Crisps to the test, particularly given how much we have loved their other varieties.

The first thing I always like to check out on a new product is the packaging. As I have come to expect from Proper Crisps, the ingredients list was reassuringly short, and it was also really cool to see that they were vegan and gluten free. On opening the bag the wonderfully savoury barbecue smell immediately hit me, and I was excited to dive in.

The chips were, as you would expect, beautifully golden and crispy looking. On sampling my first one I was really happy to see how generously and evenly the seasoning was applied. The flavour was intense- a true barbeque flavour, with a hit of heat which grows the more that you eat. I found them truly addictive, each time I stopped I found myself going back for a few more. They were quite devisive in our household though, as neither my hubby nor my two children like spice in food, and so didn't really like these so much. As always with Proper Crisps, the crunch was legendary, and the quality of thr ingredients shine through to make a truly luxurious snack.

These crisps were crunchy, delicious and utterly moreish. The attention to detail in the production and ingredients choice shines through, and lives up to my expectations of this epic company. However, if you don't like spice in your snacks, maybe give these ones a miss and try another one of their epic range. Overall I would highly recommend these to any barbeque fan- but be prepared to eat the whole bag pretty fast, they are truly addictive.

Personal Choice
Noisybabe007   Review #22429 - Dated: 21st of November, 2021
  Author: Noisybabe007

I am a big savoury food fan, and so when these popped up in my online shopping as a "new product" I might like to try, I put them into the weekly shopping. My husband and I do buy treats that are adult only, generally because the kids do not appreciate the more fancy treats, and rather just hoover them down! We also have in the past given them BBQ flavoured things to try and they do not like the spiciness, and they end up wasted.

After the kids went to bed, we decided to open the bag, and, as I do not always tend to have a stop switch for crisps, served out a small bowl each. Proper Crisps are one of our favourites as they make such crispy, light and golden chips that are great every time, and this time is no exception. Whilst the majority of the chips were on the medium side, I do not mind this, as there is nothing worse than crunching into a chip and losing most of it down your front in crumbs! You can clearly see the flavour on them and again, as per expectations from Proper Crisps, they are not frugal with it. Now whilst there is a lot of flavour on them, for both my husband and myself, we found that it was only okay, not great. It tastes good, there is lots of it, but it just seemed to not quite hit the mark with anything really distinctive or stand out about it. I do feel like the chipotle and citric acid were the strongest flavours, and felt like the saltiness was on the mild side, so personally would have like a bit more.

I decided that the next day I would give some to the kids to see if they liked them, as they would be the first to tell me if they disliked them! As a complete contrast to hubby and I, they all loved them and said the flavour was great - not too strong or spicy, which is great - because often we have to stick to plain (and boring??) ready salted - so them loving these opened up a little window of "family snack treat goodness". I did enjoy these chips and would buy them again, but I do feel that they would not be my favourite Proper Crisps.

Personal Choice
tamstar22   Review #22423 - Dated: 20th of November, 2021
  Author: tamstar22

Proper crisps provide some of the best chips on earth. The flavours and textures are always on point. Providing healthier options, earth friendly chip bags and some new and exciting flavours. This Bbq rub flavour was so good. My partner and I took these to the local speedway one night to watch racing cars and to share with our friends. We wished we had of kept them at home for ourselves in the end. The Flavour was amazing, the texture of the chip even better. Every bite was just perfection. Everyone raved about how good and delious they were.

Between 4 adults and 3 kids they dissapeared pretty fast, hand after hand reaching in to the bag wanting more and more.Everyone licking the flavour of there fingers which was always plenty left on the fingers for licking of which is the best part of eating flavoured chips. Even better when plenty of flavouring is left in the bottom of the bag and one lucky person gets to lick and dip there finger in the bag to soak it all up. I was that lucky person and wow I was so happy to be doing that. Amazing flavours and the best past to end the bag of chips.

Another great product and flavour from Proper crisps. They really do a great job when it comes to selecting flavours for chips and how the chips are cooked. So much thought must go into the whole process and also becoming more and more eco friendly with the bags is another positive. I can't wait to buy these again and have them for movies or when we head away camping with a cider. The adults and kids both enjoy these, and great for the price. Very happy, and I will be recommending these to other friends who hadnt tried them.

Personal Choice
alexmoulton   Review #22372 - Dated: 13th of November, 2021
  Author: alexmoulton

Now, this was potentially the product I was most looking forward to. Copper Kettle BBQ has always been one of my top chips due to its tough and crunchy yet voluminous and airy texture, and its very distinctive flavour. It was a BBQ flavour that no other chip brand was able to beat. When I first came to know Proper Crisps, I fell in love with their kumara chips because they also had that perfect level of firm and crunchy that I look for in a chip. And here we have a proper crisp with barbecue flavouring.

Is it a new favourite? Have they finally been able to figure out what it would take to be my favourite chip overall? Well, I love the ingredients list because it feels so homely. Potatoes, Sunflower Oil, Chipotle, Garlic, Ground Black Pepper, Raw Sugar, Onion. With the exception of some yeast extract, every ingredient is sitting in my pantry. This feels like something I could easily make at home should I feel the need. I like that feeling.

Opening up the pack, and it almost looks exactly like the Copper Kettle crisps I love. It is a little dottier from the seasoning and the little expansions and air bubbles in the chips are much smaller. But at a quick glance, nobody would know the difference from how it looks. Chucking one in my mouth and that crunch is just absolutely divine. Every movement of my mouth extends the crunch. It has a crispness that makes the packet feel like the freshest crisps ever made. Real proper crisps. The flavour is on point and is almost identical to the Copper Kettle crisps with just a slight extra tanginess to it. The only real noticeable difference between these and my fave chips is that despite that amazing crunch, they still are weaker chips. They lack the strength that the kumara chips have.

These are good. Well, they are great. But they mimicked my favourite chip. They got so close to it that I frankly believe that they may be using the exact same seasoning. But it's too close. I already have a favourite BBQ chip. To be the top dog it needed to beat it, not match it. And as it stands, I wouldn't be able to pick one over the other, so if I wanted crisps in the supermarket, it would simply come down to cost. An amazing feat to replicate that flavour profile so well, but I want something more!

Personal Choice
shellcruise   Review #22371 - Dated: 13th of November, 2021
  Author: shellcruise

Heaven on earth can be described as watching a movie with the family on a rainy afternoon and eating a bag of chips. After years of practice we have learnt you never leave chips in the bag instead you put in small bowls and everyone has their own portions. Opening the bag is nice and easy - the hardest part was not sampling any till everyone had an equal sized bowl.

The chips looked nice and golden with a fantastic amount of seasoning on them. My hands were coated in the rub and although dying to lick my fingers I had promised everyone we would do together. When we were given the green light all you could hear was a massive collective crunch. My first thought was it had more heat then I was expecting and there was a slight burning on my lips. My husband said it was more acidic then expecting and could taste a little bit of Chili and Vinegar (although neither are listed in the ingredients). My girls both thought they were fantastic.

As much as I adore Proper Crisps this one was a bit of a let down for me. I enjoy the variety of shapes and I love how fresh and crunchy they are but as for the taste I think personally it was a bit of a miss for me. There is a subtle barbeque flavour there but it is not as sweet as I like and was more heat orientated. I didn't find my mouth was bursting with flavour. I do love kettle fried chips and this company definitely excels in that area but this is not one of their finest.

Personal Choice
michelleh   Review #22359 - Dated: 10th of November, 2021
  Author: michelleh

These crisps nearly caused a domestic argument between my hubby and me. As soon as he saw them, he wanted to open them, which was just before we were having dinner. Every five minutes I got, "can we open them yet?" and I basically told him if he opened them and ate them, he would be sitting down and writing the review, to which he replied, "I'll leave you a couple!" So, after much hassling, I succumbed and opened the bag, knowing that I had to get in quick or I'd just be sampling crumbs. Hubby opened the bag, inhaled, and looked like he was in Heaven. I grabbed the bag off him and gave him a small bowl to enjoy, claiming that I needed a decent amount so I could review them.

The back of the packet has lots of information about how only natural flavours are used (smoked paprika, onion, chipotle, garlic) and how they are lovingly made. Each spud is hand-sorted, hand-trimmed, and sliced to the right thickness depending on the season. They are cooked in small batches the traditional way with times and temperatures adjusted to get a perfect golden crispness. I could also tell that Huia had made my crisps - I really like this personal touch as it feels like crisps have been made by real people and not on a huge production line.

The crisps themselves were delicious. There were a few very large crips but most were medium to small. You could see the flavour on each crisp and they were lovely and crunchy. They had a lovely BBQ flavour and needless to say, hubby was like a puppy dog begging for more. The whole family agreed that these were lovely and tasty and had a wonderful crunch to them. They are a little more expensive than the 'run of the mill' crisps but you can really taste the difference in quality so as the adage goes, you get what you pay for!

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Printed at 06:26:07pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024