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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Pa Hill Char-Grilled Capsicum Sauce
  ProdID: 8868 - Pa Hill Char-Grilled Capsicum SauceProduced byPa Hill Produce Product Score: 8.4 
Pa Hill Char-Grilled Capsicum Sauce

Price : $9.50 / jar
Supplier :
Available : via online store and selected regional markets

Whole Capsicum turned into a delicious sauce to be enjoyed with your BBQs.

All our Chutneys and Sauces contain whole fruits, malt vinegar and less sugars per serving. The fruit we use is grown only in NZ and all our ingredients are from NZ suppliers. Pa Hill's products are created from recipes dating back to 1910. All produce is handmade and our methods are "Back to Basics".

Warning This product may contain peanut residue.
Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
tamstar22   Review #22305 - Dated: 28th of October, 2021
  Author: tamstar22

Chargrilled capsicum sauce, this was interesting and a little bit stronger in flavour than what I had thought it would be I thought it would be a bit sweet but it was quite like a strong harsh capsicum flavour which was good just depends how you use it I felt. It was nice with pizza when you put other toppings on it and lots of cheese of course for pizza. But on its own like when you put your finger in the jar and try it that was definitely very strong.

Adding the sauce to other meals then it worked well it was nice to add a dash of cream with it to make a bit of a creamy capsicum sauce with chicken and with stirfrys. It was nice to add in a bit of a burger on top of a meat patty it was nice to add on carrots and broccoli with a bit of grated cheese with it. The bottle size is great, the 250 mil bottle is short so it doesn't take up much room in the fridge and the bottle is easy to open.

The sauce has a year lifespan which is always good to keep in the fridge for a long time. The labelling is very simple and perfect, it works well you can just clearly see how much is in the jar and it's made in New Zealand which is always great. It's important to support local especially after Covid has been putting effects on local companies. Not 100% sure if I'll buy this again for the household just depends I guess if I see it on the shelf and just randomly bought it, but I don't think I'd go hunting for it. It was nice but it wasn't something that I think our family would buy again and again thank you for being able to review it though.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
fliss1   Review #22181 - Dated: 2nd of August, 2021
  Author: fliss1

This was an amazing find! Love this to spice up a boring old passatta, chopped tomatoes, so many other dishes and snacks. I admit however to being a big capsicum fan and I do use a lot of them when they are in season and miss them over the winter when they are really expensive.

Initially when I saw the price I thought of it more as a treat product but honestly it adds such a lovely rich taste I used it much more widely than I expected. My favourite was the photo you see of a leftover rice meal in a wrap with some sour cream instead of salsa. It was a great lunch treat!

The jar is cute and a lovely shape - I will be keeping it. It felt like a good 500g jar but on inspection it is only 487 but that is still pretty substantial. It is a bit pricey but I found the flavour strong enough to use a bit less. The quality was clear and this came through in both the texture and taste. The jar was easy to open and close and didn't get gunked up.

It was great on water crackers under cheese as a bit of a surprise and people liked and asked what it was when I used it that way. I would love to include this in a gift box for foodies at Christmas as it was very versatile. I admit although I have used it with chicken, mince, pasta, rice, wraps, crackers and probably other ways I have not finished it and still have about 1/4 of a jar which I am looking forward to using.

I do love the unusual nature of the Pa Hill products and they have definitely found a space in my cupboard when I want something just a little bit different.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
shellcruise   Review #22143 - Dated: 21st of July, 2021
  Author: shellcruise

Capsicums are one of these items that you either love or hate. I like it when it is cut up finely, but I find I usually do not have the patience to do that. I absolutely detest meals with big chunks of it in, like in a Chinese takeaway or when my husband cooks a stir fry and find I spend half the time digging it out and throwing them away. I just can't bear the idea of eating a large piece of them. I was a little hesitant in requesting this item as I was worried that it would be big chunks throughout the sauce but after receiving it, my mind was put to rest when I saw how smooth it was.

Originally my plan was to put this in a pasta dish and using the container up - but after looking at the price I kind of freaked out and decided to use it in more than one dish and use a bit at a time, so that it could be spread out longer. It does say refrigerate after opening and a use by date of August 2022, so have plenty of time to play around with it.

We have not had cheese and crackers in such a long time and since my cousins daughter was staying I thought this would be the perfect snack food. I added a tiny bit of the sauce to half of the crackers and the rest plan. I did find my visitor, who is five stayed away from the sauce flavours and so did my youngest but my eldest did have three but said she preferred the non sauce ones and my husband who adores capsicums, I am sure, could of ate them all if given the chance. He loved the flavour that the cheese had with them. I found it was a little sweet and not helped with the cheese as well. I was expecting more of a smokey taste then what I got. I then got a teaspoon and had some and nope not what I was hoping for at all.

I had some left over chicken and bacon wrap from the night before so made a quick sandwich and added a small bit to the bread. I am not sure what I was expecting but although I am not a huge fan of this on its own, and I guess because I did not add that much - it did not effect the taste that much. I have still got about 3/4 jar left and I am not sure that I will be using it again, so my husband has the green light. Last night he added it on the chicken and bacon wrap and said that it goes with everything.

In all honesty I would not buy this again mainly because of the price but also because of how sweet it is. My husband adores it but the the three of us are not as sold as he is. I am not a huge capsicum fan to begin with so not sure if that is the issue but just not my cup of tea.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
savta   Review #22098 - Dated: 28th of June, 2021
  Author: savta

There are some things you just have to serve tomato sauce with, but many of the so-called tomato sauces on the market are anything but. They are red and viscous, but there the resemblance ends; many of these "sauces" are nothing but a cocktail of chemicals and vinegar with a little added food colouring. However, for those who like a more bite in their sauce, Pa Hill's capsicum blend provides the ideal solution. It looks like tomato sauce but the flavour is much more intense; it is suited to a mature palate as it does not take over the food it is served with. Instead, it offers a depth of sophisticated flavour that could replace the tomato version in almost any dish. Granted, it does contain some tomato (along with onion, vinegar, and spices), but the main ingredient is capsicum.

Although the younger children were not keen, the older children and adults were all in favour. We passed the bottle round as we were having ham and salad rolls for lunch - a quick meal when there are over a dozen people of assorted ages to feed - and almost everyone tried it. The only dissenters were Miss Nine and the two younger boys; they said it tasted funny. But Mr 11 and his two older cousins were firmly in favour so it must be an age thing. That evening four of us (all adults this time) sat down to a meal of home-made fish burgers with a side salad. Home-made burgers are always a bit unwieldy because I never skimp on the filling, so we ended up deconstructing our dinner and putting the sauce on top! The flavour was amazing with the fresh fish; it had been steamed with just a little fresh fennel, so the smoky capsicum aftertaste matched it beautifully.

Next morning was Sunday, so we had a fry-up with chorizos, bacon, and eggs - a meal that just begged for a quality sauce to top it off. Again, the capsicum flavour was perfect. Our friends had come for dinner but ended up staying overnight, so with four of us present the bottle was almost empty by the time we had finished. Just like my family members, my friends were enthusiastic too about the flavour and said they would be looking out for it.

Although the sauce is certainly delicious, it is quite expensive so something I would keep for a special occasion. In other words, being mean and not offering it to every visitor who comes for a meal! With sauces, it is easy to tip too much out of the bottle and then end up leaving some on the plate, so that is something to be aware of when pouring it. This is a sauce to be savoured and not offered round freely to people like the younger children who found it too strong for their taste. All the same, I will be replacing the empty bottle in the near future.

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Printed at 07:41:26pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024