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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Family > Harry and the Hendersons
  ProdID: 6174 - Harry and the HendersonsDirector: Product Score: 7.8 
Harry and the Hendersons

Price : $18.99
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Available : Yes

An easy-going father's life is suddenly turned upside down when his car hits a real-life bigfoot. Thinking it's dead, they bring it home only to find that it is quite alive. Trying to hide their furry friend as they race to get him back to his natural environment isn't so easy.

Academy Award Nominations: Best Makeup.
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mizim   Review #13463 - Dated: 29th of January, 2015
  Author: mizim

This film originally came out in 1987, making it just a year older and so I grew up watching this and then watched some of the TV series that was inspired by Harry and the Hendersons. George is heading home when he hits something and sees that it is a legendary sasquatch, ties it to his hood and drives it home. Soon though he finds it is alive, wants to make money, changes his mind and ends up ultimatly loving the big foot who they have named Harry.

This isn't a fast paced film, there is a lot of searching for Harry and there is a hunter on the trail, this is the main bad guy of the film but it is good to see that this isn't a really nasty character, he is flawed and he is very very obsessed about it but naturally, like most bad guys in kids movies the situation is resolved eventually. This is a fun, light hearted movie that is a good easy family film for all ages, my three kids have seen it once or twice, since it was a must buy on DVD for me, and have rather enjoyed the entire film. I wish that there were movies more like this.

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Printed at 08:14:13pm on Sunday 26th May 2024