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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Biscuits and Crackers > Pods - Snickers
  ProdID: 614 - Pods - SnickersBrand:Mars (NZ) Product Score: 8.7 
Pods - Snickers

Price : $3.29
Supplier :
Available : June 2005

Ever found yourself licking an ice-cream stick? Or eating biscuit crumbs off your lap? You have, haven't you? And we know why. It's because you've finished something tasty. The key word being 'finished'. Kaput. The final siren on your enjoyment has been blown. And you can't handle it.

So that's why we created 'Pods' crunchy biscuit. They start off as biscuit wafer caups baked in our revolutionary Wakrone oven which makes them amazingly light and crunchy. In these wafer cups is a delicious Snickers filling. And in each pack are 40 of these delicate suckers - and they're bite sized.

See the genius yet? That's right. You can have one and eat it. And it tastes great. And then when your brain calls out and says 'Hey you, give me more of whatever that was,' you can reach in the pack and have another. And another. And that, my learned friend, is why enjoyment now lasts longer.
Personal Choice
irishgreen416   Review #20777 - Dated: 1st of July, 2019
  Author: irishgreen416

Snikers Pods is a fun new concept from Mars New Zealand that I was excited to try for I love trying new kinds of chocolate (I am a bit of an addict). My take on them though is a little underwhelming. They are good and I, as with most chocolate, would be able to eat the entire bag in one sitting if my conscience didn't get the best of me, but that's it. They are good, not great. I would much rather eat an original Snickers bar.

There are a lot more pieces in the package to justify the price versus a normal Snickers bar and I am glad I tried them but they do not have me hooked and my taste buds are going to choose a different kind of chocolate in the future. This would not be one that I regularly crave. They have a biscuit bottom and some sort of filling that sort of tastes like Snickers but does not have the chocolate, caramel, peanut gooey texture that is so fantastic with the normal bar. The biscuit taste is what takes over my taste buds and that is not why I would buy a Snickers Pod. I have also tried the Mars one which I deem better.

Personal Choice
alexmoulton   Review #11340 - Dated: 1st of June, 2014
  Author: alexmoulton

Before you read this review, you should be aware that I am not the greatest fan of Snickers chocolate in the first place. The consistency has always put me off and the peanuts tend to overpower the chocolate bar. So I didn't really have the highest of hopes for this bag of treats.

Beyond the flavour, that I didn't think would excel, I had a play around with the pods, and found that they were very soft, and much easier to melt. Unlike chocolate bars, where if they melt, you can chuck it in the fridge and still have a chocolate bar, if these got in the sun, the packaging would quickly heat up and you would have a giant pod. They'd no longer be separate.

So despite their attempts to promote this as a packaging that can be taped shut to keep in the freshness, I wouldn't risk it. Therefore with the size of them, they'd be best suited for gatherings where you can share the packet between multiple people and eat it all in the one sitting.

Flavour-wise I found that it wasn't too bad. It appeared that they have blended everything together so that there were no lumps. This did make them much easier to eat, and is great for the kids. It still tasted too much of peanut to me, but that's what you would expect me to say, because I don't like Snickers.

Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #7369 - Dated: 6th of January, 2013
  Author: kymmage

We went to the movies today and on top of my daughter's popcorn and lemonade combo, I was sneaky and got a bag of Snickers Pods. Sneaky because she loves Pods but I didn't want to give her any Snickers ones in case they had whole nuts in them. She doesn't like the texture of whole nuts and spits out anything with them in. When we got into the theatre, I looked at the bag they were in. It had two nicks out of the top for easy opening. I ripped the side open and it was very easy to get into the bag. I also had some control over how it ripped, which showed good bag design to me.

I happily tucked into these little morsels. I loved the crunch of the wafer and the chocolate and Snickers insides. It had the perfect Snickers flavour, all nougaty and peanuty, with caramel and chocolate. They weren't overly sweet, so my teeth didn't get sore from them like they do on some chocolate bars. They were a nice balance thanks to the wafer. I munched away as I watched the movie. It wasn't until the last few I realised that there were no whole nut pieces in any of the pods I had tried. But by then it would have been hard to tell my daughter I had some and that I didn't share! So I didn't tell her.

On the upside though, now I know these don't have a whole lot of peanut in them, I will happily buy them again and share them next time. The bag was a great size for hiding in my handbag too, luckily for me. The price was a bit excessive, but you get that in a movie theatre. I bought these knowing full-well that I could be buying them cheaper elsewhere though. A delicious treat.

Personal Choice
dreamer101   Review #7114 - Dated: 30th of November, 2012
  Author: dreamer101

Pods are mouthwatering delicious! Even just sitting here and looking at the picture of the box, I am propelled to go shopping for some more treats!
They are cruncy, and gooey and oh so yummylicius! The only problem comes when you realise you ate almost the entire box of Pods (or when you discover that you have to suddenly share them with your family!). My advice is to either buy an extra package, or more importantly, start hidding your stash of Pods from the kids!!!

Personal Choice
Jopukeko   Review #5714 - Dated: 14th of April, 2012
  Author: Jopukeko

The Snickers Pods are definitely unique. The only other things I have seen like these are the other Pods that Mars have but out. They are essentially a bite-sized snickers biscuit but are bowl shape. This means they are not as sweet as a snickers and much smaller than any of the other snickers products.

They are made for sharing. I often see them at parties and see people sneaking one every time they walk past the bowl. They are always a topic of conversation because of their different shape.

I find that I have to eat several to satisfy my sweet tooth but some of my friends (those with willpower) like that they are such tiny portions and they can enjoy such a tiny treat without feeling guilty.

I love the taste of these but the Mars Pods are my favourite in this range.

Personal Choice
  Review #5133 - Dated: 16th of December, 2011

Yummy my favourite bar in a biscuit

Personal Choice
mumkat   Review #4577 - Dated: 20th of June, 2011
  Author: mumkat

I was given these while i was in hospital as i have a sweet tooth and wouldn't stop complaining about the food.

I love snickers - don't get me wrong - but these are something else. I found there was generally more than enough for one person in the packet (unless you have good self control) but not really enough for two people. I found about 7 of these satisfied me but any more than 10 made me feel sick because they are so sweet and you don't really chew them like having a chocolate bar. I love the crunchiness of them, almost cross between a wafer and a chocolate bar.

In a small note to everyone out there; don't mix them with hot milo unless you really want a sugar hit and don't get caught licking the foil packet, on second thoughts, don't lick the foil packet, you may just cut your tongue.

Personal Choice
  Review #4549 - Dated: 3rd of June, 2011

I love these biscults. They are awesome. I like to have them here for the grandchildren. Used to do a lot of baking once, but even old granny here is now studying and trying to open a small business so having these on hand are great. I would certainly recommend them

Personal Choice
mandaz79   Review #1595 - Dated: 11th of November, 2006
  Author: mandaz79

I have tried all the PODS and this would have to be my favourite by far. they are a great snack size bite of yummyness!! I kind of have to hate this product also simply because they are soooo yummy, i eat the whole pack in one sitting lol, not good for the diet!
I have never seen a product similar to pods. I love the packaging and the little funnier written all over them. GREAT

Personal Choice
native1   Review #790 - Dated: 13th of July, 2005
  Author: native1

I think what I liked best about Pods is the fact that they are bite sized! Because they are so small you feel like you can eat as much as you like and not feel guilty! I've also started taking a handful in a little ziplock bag to work each day, which gives me that chocolate fix throughout the day. Also, I really love the biscuit outer, it tastes a little like fortune cookies then you have this amazing chocolatey hazelnut centre!

Now everytime I go to the supermarket, I hunt out the Pods for that sweet fix you need every time! I've been amazed actually at how fast they've caught on and how popular they are. I've got my whole family into them, every single one of them has a couple of boxes in their cupboards. So if you haven't tried them yet, be fast, you don't know what you're missing out on!

Personal Choice
goldfishstar   Review #772 - Dated: 24th of June, 2005
  Author: goldfishstar


These are my absolute favs!
Snickers have always been on my list of good chocolates to eat, not overly chocolatey with a nice peanut flavour to give it a bit of a difference...

The Snickers Pods were similar in many regards, with the distinct peanut flavour still there, and very edible... in fact I sat there and ate half a box in my first sitting, and the other half in the second *blush*.

If you are watching your waistline and like Snickers bars, I'd suggest getting someone to hide the box if you have them in your house, as they wont last long...

Definately my favourite flavour!!

Personal Choice
mr. wayne   Review #768 - Dated: 23rd of June, 2005
  Author: mr. wayne

Having eaten four boxes of these things I can safely say that i know what they taste like. I can also say that I feel rather ill but that is beside the point. At first they struck me as rather gimicky without the long term appeal of more classical chocolate treats, that they should have been bigger and more buscuit like and with more filling. This view has been altered after extensive testing and thinking about where you would have cause to eat them. As far as a sit down and munch out on them snack with a movie they are not perfect, as after about half a dozen you don't want any more as they are quite sweet, even more so than normal chocolates thanks to the cereal like biscuit outer. However they make up for this thanks to the novelty value gained from trying to eat all the biscuit first or trying to separate the two peices (like pulling apart liqorice allsorts). I am of the opinion that they would be best suited towards a dinner party of some description, as they would fit in amongst the crackers and cheeses as well as the chips and pineapple pieces on sticks, small and interesting to tide you over till dinner. This I think is reenforced by the fact that they are packaged in a box rather than in a bag, even if this is just to protect the fragile pieces it elevates them to classy snack status, like those chocolate wafer sticks and magnum icecreams. Pods are a tasty treat, but not to be overdone, enjoy a few with a cup of (insert ridiculously named coffee beverage) and enjoy the moment safe in the knowledge that you are far trendier than anyone else in the vicinity. Or impress your friends and collegues with pre dinner nibbles and knock off the Jones' for First Place on the neighbourhood coolest dinner party list. For you ease and convenience I have ranked each flavour in terms of my preference. I'm not saying that this is The Be All and End All to these Flavours, it's just my opinion. Pods are labelled as "Ingeniously Crunchy" and while they are definately crunchy the ingenious part remains to be seen, they may not be my cup of tea, but then I don't drink tea either.

Snickers Pods

Initially the Snickers Pods were firmly in last place, in fact I didn't even like them, they tasted like peanut butter which should only be in a sandwich or on toast. So why are they my favourite flavour? To be honest they have the most personality, by far the easiest to eat, I munched down a dozen before stopping, while the shocking sweetness is there still, it is damped down by the peanut caramel flavour which seems to get smoother the more you eat. It is always the cult films that everyone remembers and it is always the red m&m's that get eaten first, and like these things the Snickers Pods shine quieter than the others but more richly.

Personal Choice
boggie   Review #761 - Dated: 22nd of June, 2005
  Author: boggie

Favourite out of all the Pods, the Pod of Pods. The base makes up for the lack of peanuts usually found in Snickers, and just the right amount of chocolate up top. Would be interesting to see a whole Pod chocolate bar.

User Comments
How can you describe something that tastes like heaven? Pods is an undeniable treat that no-one should refuse. The Bounty is my own particular favourite. It tastes EXACTLY like the bar. They are so addictive and whats great about them is their size. You can eat five and think, "wow, that was a great little snack." Or you can eat the whole damn box like I did in one sitting. They dont make you feel full. They are the best darn snack food.
There are different flavours like Snickers, Mars etc but if you want the ultimate snaking experience, go for the Bounty. You cant beat it!!


Printed at 06:45:44pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024