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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Family > Beethoven
  ProdID: 6025 - BeethovenDirector:Brian Levant Product Score: 8.1 

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Available : 1992

The Newton family live in their comfortable home, but there seems to something missing. This "hole" is filled by a small puppy, who walks into their home and their lives. Beethoven, as he is named, grows into a giant of a dog... a St Bernard. Doctor Varnick, the local vet has a secret and horrible sideline, which requires lots of dogs for experiments. Beethoven is on the bad doctor's list.
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sugapop69   Review #14301 - Dated: 20th of June, 2015
  Author: sugapop69

My daughter loves animals so I got this movie out for family movie night. If you love funny animals movies then this is a definite watch, you will laugh until you cry at the antics of Beethoven and his human companions. Loved the part when they were trying to find a name for Beethoven, the name came naturally and if you like classical music you will appreciate the humour behind how the name is finally derived. The vet parts were funny as well played by a well known actor, Beethoven hates him very much. One of the funny parts of the movie was a company representative and his partner who wants to try to take over the family's business, all I can say is Beethoven takes them on the ride of their lives. Beethoven is such a loveable Saint Bernard who is a lot of fun to watch, especially with all his facial expressions and slobbers. It is a very entertaining story, a very good family movie to watch especially if you like big loveable dogs. The movie has lots of memorial moments, and I recommend it and will be watching it again and the rest of the Beethoven movies.

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kiwiblondie   Review #13143 - Dated: 1st of January, 2015
  Author: kiwiblondie

I have seen this movie a few times, loved it when it first came out and yes I'm that old and still think it is a good movie. I rather like how the puppy knew to go to the youngest and be cute and that the child would be able to convince the parents that they really need a dog.

We watched it again recently with the kids and they all laughed at the scenes were the dog got the better of the father, I had a puppy that would do a lot of what Beethoven would do so this movie brought back some memories. I'm an animal lover so any movie that shows how the bad guys who want the pets for evil purposes get beaten is a good movie in my book.

The music also made me think of my younger years as my parents would play a lot of that sort of music. I think a lot more good humorous movies should be made instead of senseless fighting and shooting and killing.

I know that some sequels were made and looking forward to watching them again to refresh it in my mind and introducing my kids to good movies that don't rely on violence to get tickets sold.

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mizim   Review #13142 - Dated: 1st of January, 2015
  Author: mizim

I grew up watching Beethoven and absolutely loving the giant furry dog that wrecked havoc yet brought joy to the Newton's life, seeing it pop up on the TV I knew I just had to record it for the kids to watch.

Beethoven is getting stolen from a pet store, as a puppy, when somehow his cage becomes unlocked and he manages to escape, then defying even more reason (but aren't movies great for that?) he manages to pass by four people unnoticed only to end up with the youngest child who of course manages to convince daddy that the dog has to stay. Beethoven wrecks havoc, plants himself firmly in their hearts and then goes a little astray when it is discovered there is an evil plot unfolding.

The acting isn't anything brilliant, I do like Bonnie Hunt and she does a good pass here as the mother and Sarah Rose Karr is undeniably cute and sweet as the youngest child Emily. I did find, as an adult, that this is one of those movies that I loved as a child but not so much now, so I may not watch it again but will hold onto the fond memories. My kids enjoyed it enough but none of them were interested enough to stick around to the end of the movie. So this was fun but I'm in no rush to watch it again any time soon.

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Printed at 06:19:49pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024