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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Arts and Crafts > Child's Play > TMNT Color Wonder Magical Metallic Pages
  ProdID: 5651 - TMNT Color Wonder Magical Metallic PagesBrand:Crayola Product Score: 10.0 
TMNT Color Wonder Magical Metallic Pages

Price : $19.99
Supplier :
Available : at selected quality retailers

12 metallic pages with action-packed images. Colour them using the 5 Color Wonder markers included.

    •  New formulations - our brightest colours yet!
    •  Won't colour on skin, furniture or fabrics.
    •  Hidden designs on every page!
Age Appropriate
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
sweetpea   Review #12322 - Dated: 24th of August, 2014
  Author: sweetpea

My girls love their Crayola color wonder sets and I also am a fan as they are no mess and mean no nasty surprises if the crayons have been left out and are used without supervision. Color Wonder sets are also the best entertainment to take to other peoples houses or cafes etc as you know that you won't be apologizing for any nasty mess. Crayola are definitely top of the game when it comes to all things washable and mess free. What I hadn't expected with this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 12 page pad was that this would appeal to the whole family.

Miss Three, Miss Six and Miss Seven have all spent time coloring in pages and even hubby and I have been coloring away! What we all love about this is that the colors are really bright and shimmery and together with the metallic edging and boarders the finished pages just look fantastic. I was worried that the girls would finish coloring in all the 12 pages too quickly but they have been very engaged in the coloring and often will all participate in just one page. So far surprisingly there has been no squabbling over turns and this has actually been a great "doing together" activity for the girls.

Whilst my girls really love this I can see that boys would probably love it even more and this would be a brilliant birthday present for a boy 3 years plus. I would definitely recommend this as a fantastic way to entertain children totally mess free. Top marks Crayola.

Age Appropriate
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
samantha203   Review #12281 - Dated: 16th of August, 2014
  Author: samantha203

I remember when the Crayola color wonder sets first came out when my girl was about 2, she used to love them so I was keen to give these new sets a go with my 2 year old boy Cai. He loves colouring and is begining to be able to use colouring books to colour pictures instead of just scribbling you can see him trying to colour between the lines so these books are a great start for him to develop that further.

Although he is getting better at colouring he still likes to colour on his hands, his clothes, even the walls and furniture from time to time so the 'no mess' pens were really appealing to me and have been quite a mystery for him. He has tried drawing on his hands and the walls and is quite intrigued as to why his masterpieces are not showing up in full colour! So he has learnt that the pens will only work on the colouring book, which I am thinking may carry on through later to normal pens as he learns colouring is for colouring books.

The pictures in this colouring book are really cool some large pictures of the ninja turtles in many scenes that are fun and exciting to colour in. What makes them even more exciting is their are metallic strips in each scene that make the pictures shiny and eye catching and the colours of the magic markers are a nice bright metallic tone too so it is lots of fun to colour in. You find new metallic bits each time you colour a part in as there are some hidden parts that show up once you have coloured in.

The thing I noticed which is different from when my daughter first used these sets is that the colour of the pen does actually correspond to what colour you will get on the paper. In the older set you could use any colour pen and the colour of the picture was actually determined by what ink was hidden under the magic paper so even if you used the blue pen if that part of the paper was destined to be pink it would always be pink. With these if you use the blue pen whatever you colour in will be blue which I thought was pretty awesome and still has me pondering how these actually work!!

I woudl highly recommend these sets to parents as they really are non mess which I am sure any parent would appreciate and are great for a quiet inside activity when you need a bit of peace. My 2 year old loves this set but I am sure boys and girls of all ages would get enjoyment and wonder out of them we will be sure to buy more.

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Printed at 07:38:15pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024