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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Games & Puzzles > Xbox One > Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  ProdID: 5469 - Assassin's Creed IV: Black FlagDeveloped byUbisoft Product Score: 9.5 
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Price : $109.99
Supplier :
Available : via Online Store and selected quality electronics stores nationwide

The year is 1715. Pirates rule the Caribbean and have established their own lawless Republic where corruption, greediness and cruelty are commonplace. Among these outlaws is a brash young captain named Edward Kenway. His fight for glory has earned him the respect of legends like Blackbeard, but also drawn him into the ancient war between Assassins and Templars, a war that may destroy everything the pirates have built.

Welcome to the Golden Age of Piracy.

Become Edward Kenway, a charismatic yet brutal pirate captain, trained by Assassins. Edward can effortlessly switch between the Hidden Blade of the Assassin's Order and all new weaponry including four flintlock pistols and dual cutlass swords.

Discover the largest and most diverse Assassin's Creed world ever created. From Kingston to Nassau, explore 50 unique locations where you can live the life of a pirate including:
    •  Loot underwater shipwrecks
    •  Assassinate Templars in blossoming cities
    •  Hunt for rare animals in untamed jungles
    •  Search for treasure in lost ruins
    •  Escape to hidden coves

Command your ship, the Jackdaw, and strike fear in all who see her. Plunder and pillage to upgrade the Jackdaw with ammunition and equipment needed to fight off enemy ships. The ship`s improvements are critical to Edward` s progression through the game. Attack and seamlessly board massive galleons, recruit sailors to join your crew and embark on an epic and infamous adventure.

Stand amongst legendary names such as Blackbeard, Calico Jack and Benjamin Hornigold, as you establish a lawless Republic in the Bahamas and relive the truly explosive events that defined the Golden Age of Piracy.

Fight against or cooperate with your friends in the ruthless and acclaimed multiplayer experience. Choose from an eclectic cast of characters and fight to the death in exotic themed maps.
Value for Money
Immersion Factor
Sleepless Nights
electric_throne   Review #11495 - Dated: 7th of June, 2014
  Author: electric_throne

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag follows the life of the pirate Edward Kenway during the 18th century Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. If the name "Kenway" sounds familiar to you, that is because Edward is the Grandfather of Connor Kenway from Assassins Creed 3.

The game play is nothing short of amazing! Just like the previous games you are a assassin running around, carrying out missions, assassinating targets but more refined. As always there are enough collectables to keep you busy for hours.

one of the new features I LOVE is you have a ship called the Jackdaw! it is so much fun to sail around the Caribbean while getting in to ship battles, upgrading your ship, find crew to help. As you sail around your crew will sing! This is so incredibly catchy and lead you to want to collect all of them for new songs you can learn to sing along too.

Overall Assassins Creed 4 is the best AC game so far and that is saying a lot for me as I looooved the AC2 Trilogy I would highly recommend it for any person who is a gamer. many hours of fun and adventure as well as a engaging story.

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Printed at 07:00:47pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024