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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Dairy Products > Meyer Tasty Gouda
  ProdID: 5251 - Meyer Tasty GoudaBrand -Meyer Cheese Product Score: 9.8 
Meyer Tasty Gouda

Price : $3.50/100g +/-
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Available : selected stores

Tasty Gouda is aged for about 9 months, at this age it still retains its smooth creamy texture but has started to develop that sharp bite and full bodied flavour which aged Gouda's are famous for.

We highly recommend this as a cooking cheese as it grates, shreds and slices well complementing many a dish with its full bodied flavour and smooth texture. It also has really good melting properties so makes a flavourful cheese topping or home made cheese sauce.

These are available in 10 and 5 kg wheels, 1kg Block and also 150 gram retail unit.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
sweetpea   Review #10861 - Dated: 19th of March, 2014
  Author: sweetpea

Well I think I have been a bit spoilt with the Meyer Gouda cheeses that I have been lucky enough to sample and I may now never be able to go back to normal kilo blocks of cheese! We are huge cheese eaters in our house and cheese is one item that will always be in our fridge. The Meyer Cheeses though have really made me realise that you can taste the difference in a mass produced product and something that is a bit more artisan and hand made.

I absolutely adore this Meyer Tasty Gouda. It has such a full bodied and creamy taste without tasting even remotely processed. The texture is perfectly smooth and this really is cheese as its meant to be. With four natural ingredients and New Zealand made this automatically fits into my basic food preference requirements and the taste is just sublime. As with all cheese it is good to have a little mice nibble plain. I love the tang of this and how it just melts in my mouth without being globby. I used this plain and in toasted cheese sandwiches and grated over wedges and pasta. It is a great melting cheese and gives a delicious flavour to whatever it is served on.

I will definitely be buying this again and although it is more expensive than buying my normal cheese because it has a lovely sharp flavour I don't need to use that much to get the taste I want when using a tasty cheese.

I would definitely recommend buying this to use as a cooking cheese or melting over wedges, pasta, pizza etc.

Thank-you so much Meyer Cheese for the opportunity to be converted to using your products. I am looking forward now to trying other cheeses in the range.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
raeofsunshine   Review #10795 - Dated: 10th of March, 2014
  Author: raeofsunshine

I was lucky enough to be given some of this cheese to review... I say lucky as although I love cheeses, I don't tend to buy speciality cheeses very often so it was a nice treat.

I have to say this cheese is delicious - in fact the only reason I didn't mark it as a full 10 was that hubby wasn't quite as keen on it, but what does he know! I thought it was delicious - a lovely texture and a really nice taste - quite a sweet taste but with a good bite to it - more than you'd get from your average tasty cheese, and well worth paying for - and so it should be for a slow aged cheese.

So apart from hubby, everyone I tried this on really enjoyed it, although I have to admit I didn't let my 5 year old near it... it seemed far to extravagant to 'waste' it on her tastes, and I wanted more for me!

I tried it on it's own and on plain crackers and it was absolutely delicious. I also tried it melted in toasted sandwiches, with just some mushrooms, ham and tomatoes to pad it out. It melted nicely and gave a beautiful flavour to the sandwich. But I have to say that it was at it's nicest eaten on it's own - it was so absolutely delicious that I'll be off to buy some more for sure!

Value for Money
Personal Choice
ktcat   Review #10790 - Dated: 10th of March, 2014
  Author: ktcat

In our house we love cheese. It is often a battle to get our share if the kids get near it - so we hid our Meyer cheese and had it at night! The first night, my husband and I sat down with a glass of Lindeaur bubbles and a couple of small wedges of the Meyer Tasty Gouda. It certainly passed the smell test with its nice strong aroma. My husband put it on a little plate with some Huntley and Palmers Sesameal Classic Five Grain crackers and a few dried apricots. It was a nice simple selection and I think the cheese held its own with the other flavours. I think that the combination of crackers, cheese, bubbles and dried fruit gave a nice mix. We enjoyed the nice strong taste that the cheese had. It seemed to peel off into tidy layers as I bit into it, this gave us an experience of its own. I thought of a chisel tapping into a piece of wood and then splitting it as I ate the Meyer Tasty Gouda. I enjoyed the novelty of it being different to a "standard" piece of cheese where your teeth leave impressions as they bite through the cheese.

On the second night, my sister joined us. We cut up the rest of the cheese on the mini platter with the same combination as the previous day as that was what we had available in the house. I really could have eaten the whole 125 gram block as the taste made me want to go back for more and the flavour lingered in my mouth! I would have to say that I loved the texture, smell and taste. It was a multi-sense experience!

We had a chat about it after we had devoured what was on the plate and we decided that it would probably be better to eat the cheese with an even plainer cracker as the flavour of the cheese was so nice. In fact, it is the sort of cheese that we could happily eat by itself too.

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Printed at 05:35:02pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024