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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Homeware > Clothing and Laundry > Sard Wonder Laundry Soap
  ProdID: 5079 - Sard Wonder Laundry SoapBrand / Manufactured by: Product Score: 9.8 
Sard Wonder Laundry Soap

Price : $3.15
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Sard soap works to remove most household stains such as ballpoint ink, blood, grease, food, sauces and animal stains. It can be used on hands, clothing, carpets, fabrics, carpets, tiles and paint work.
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
melissaandchloe   Review #16225 - Dated: 30th of May, 2016
  Author: melissaandchloe

I had never used Sard Wonder Soap before, nor did I know it even existed so when my Nana came to stay and asked where my Sard Wonder Soap was as she needed it to get a stain out of something she was shocked to hear that I didn't have any and insisted that the stain remover which I did have would not do the trick and that only Sard would work, needless to say off we went on a quick trip to the supermarket to pick some up.

The thought had never crossed my mind about purchasing a block of soap before especially for getting stains out of clothing etc, these days I tend to buy liquid laundry powder, stain remover and shower gel, so the idea of using a bar soap had me feeling a bit unsure about it all, but of course I went along with it anyway,after all I couldn't disagree with my Nana,and the price wasn't to bad if it was to be unsuccessful.

The first test of the Sard Wonder Soap was on Miss 3's grubby Marmite covered top, after wetting the stain a little bit I rubbed the soap over it, even just from doing this I could tell the soap would possibly work wonders as the stain was already starting to lift and was looking like it may just work, I chucked it in the washing machine just to be sure and when it was done I pulled the top out and was very happy with the results, Marmite no more!

Since using Sard Wonder Soap for the first time I have used it ever since on stubborn stains (although sometimes I will still pop a bit of stain remover into the washing machine as well depending on what kind of stain it is). The Sard Wonder Soap has been great for getting out stains from clothing that have been from foods, juices, blood and the biggest one mud from Miss 3 playing in the mud pit at daycare. Sard can also be used on carpets and couches which I was so happy to read about and try out as I have had a few stains that I hadn't been able to remove until I tried this,while they didn't vanish completely they did go a lot.

Sard Wonder Soap lasts a long time, my bar is still going strong and I'm still on my first one but it is something I will certainly be buying again and also recommending to others who need a stain remover. Best of all if you or your family have sensitive skin it is fine to use and doesn't seem to cause irritability or rashes.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
jojojojo   Review #13796 - Dated: 15th of April, 2015
  Author: jojojojo

I always buy Sard Wonder Soap and have recommended it to many friends. I remember having it in the house as a kid, mum used it on everything, so as soon as I moved out and bought my first groceries it was on the list!

I now have 2 small children so having it in the house is a must have. I've used it on poos, spews and everything in between and have no complaints! Bleeding noses on bedsheets and paint on preschool clothes and the stains have come right out with very little elbow grease. Just a bit of water and a rub, so very easy to use before throwing in the machine, even for the laziest of cleaners. I've also used it to wash my hands after getting greasy trying to fix the car and it was great.

I love that it's so cheap too so it's not a problem to grab another bar with the weekly groceries. It also lasts a long time so it's super cost effective.

Now that I've read other reviews about how great it's been on carpets and furniture, I think I might branch out from just using it in the laundry. Didn't even think to use it on the carpet when my kids were little and spilly! At least I'll know for next time!

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kiwiblondie   Review #13550 - Dated: 17th of February, 2015
  Author: kiwiblondie

I had some really grotty chairs that had to be cleaned and nothing seemed to work so when a fellow reviewer posted a photo of the results they got from cleaning their chairs I was so impressed that I knew I would have to try this soap and see the results for myself.

I really liked how nice the soap smells and got to work on the first chair. I was expecting to have to put some real effort into cleaning but to my surprise it was so easy to clean and I could see results early in the cleaning process. The kids came to watch and ask me why the chairs had mud on them when I was supposed to be cleaning them. When the chair dried it was nice to see they were a light green again and felt really nice go sit on, no more sticking to the arm rests.

I notice that the packaging says that the soap will work well on carpets as well, I hope I never have to test that claim out but considering how easily it cleaned years of sweat, food and general dirt out of my lounge suite I have no doubt that this will be a life saver in keeping things clean. Can't recommend this product highly enough.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
rekebum   Review #11646 - Dated: 19th of June, 2014
  Author: rekebum

I was keen to try the Sard Wonder Laundry Soap bar when I saw advertising that it could remove grease so when I saw it on the shelves I was quick to add it to my trolley, My partner is a labourer and his work clothes are always covered in grease and look like they are never washed so I soaked them first in Sards soaker then gave them a good scrub with this and the clothes at last looked clean again!!

I also use it for any stains the kids get in their clothes and it works well for food, paint, dirt and most things kids get into! I use it to scrub the pets blankets before washing them as well, our dog gets eczema but the wonder soap wasn't to harsh on her fur so to me that's a great sign especially having both pets and children who suffer from eczema.

I think for stubborn grease that is already set you definitely need to soak it first.

The Wonder Soap smells great and leaves a fresh, clean aroma. The price is very good compared to other similar products on the market and lasts well. It is well worth the money.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kiwigirl04   Review #11607 - Dated: 17th of June, 2014
  Author: kiwigirl04

I've been having a lot of problems with stains and marks that haven't come off though washing. My daughter came home from school in her uniform and it had paint all over it, I washed it and still was there, it was really bugging me. I put it on facebook and a few friends mentioned to get some sards wonder-soap and said it would be the best spend I make. I brought some from my local dairy as I was desperate for something.

I tried it on my daughters uniform and followed the easy directions leaving it and then washing it and all the paint but one little mark came out I was so impressed with it I wanted to try it on my dining room chairs as I have two children that spill food everywhere and drinks. I have tried cleaning them so many times and they just never get clean. I decided to use some sards a scrubbing brush and water to give it a go and I was very surprised by what I saw come out of my chairs, black and grossness happened.

Once the chairs were dry I was very happy they looked very clean almost like new, after hard work of doing it, it was well worth it from using the sards soap, it foamed up nice and easy aswell. The price is very little compared to other stain removers and lasts a long time, I love this soap and I have it in my house all the time now, for everything, chairs, carpets, clothes and more

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Printed at 07:38:12pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024