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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Health & Fitness > Beauty and Skin Care products > Avon Footworks Cracked Heel Relief Cream
  ProdID: 4696 - Avon Footworks Cracked Heel Relief CreamBrand:Avon Product Score: 10.0 
Avon Footworks Cracked Heel Relief Cream

Price : $10.99
Supplier :
Available : from your local avon representative

Avon Footworks Cracked Heel Relief Cream is an ideal treatment for cracked or dry skin on heels. Helps soften as it moisturises the skin, helping to restore it to its normal condition.
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Personal Choice
samantha203   Review #9437 - Dated: 29th of August, 2013
  Author: samantha203

I love this stuff as I hate having dry heels. Unfortunately during summer months I live in bare feet and jandals so cracked heels and dry skin usually comes with the territory, for that reason I need to keep up a good routine to help soften my heels and get them looking better. In summer it is an everyday job but in the winter I don't have to do as much to keep them maintained.

I use an Avon Foot Buddy to remove dead skin and then apply this relief cream to my feet and heels afterwards. It absorbs nicely into my skin and is really hydrating so it leaves my feet feeling soft and smooth. I like to apply it and then pop on a pair of socks to keep it on my feet as long as possible other wise it rubs off while I am walking on the carpet or sitting with my feet on the couch.

It is a really good price so I don't mind buying it from time to time and the 100gram tube lasts me quite a while too as a little bit is really hydrating so you only need a small squeeze at a time.

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Printed at 08:02:51pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024