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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Hygiene Products > Personal Hygiene > SuperBalm Ultimate Face Balm
  ProdID: 4032 - SuperBalm Ultimate Face BalmBrand:King of Shaves Product Score: 8.8 
SuperBalm Ultimate Face Balm

Price : $9.95
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Available : Selected stores

SuperBalm by King of Shaves features a twist of Coconut for a refreshing skin zing! Cooling and hydrating, our ultimate formulation features soothing Aloe Vera to help moisturise and condition your skin leaving it feeling matt, supple and smooth.

Non-greasy and alcohol free.

Dermatologically tested, ideal for sensitive skin.
Value for Money
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Personal Choice
mizim   Review #8311 - Dated: 2nd of May, 2013
  Author: mizim

What does one do with a tube of Face Balm? That was the big question in our house which no-one knew the answer to. Going to trusty old Google gave me this answer - "Face balm is a type of thick salve that is used to moisturise, heal, or protect facial skin" Ah-hah!! Now that we know what to use it for, I can review it much more logically.

Hubby doesn't usually injure himself when shaving, but as with any person there's always going to be one or two slight slip ups and a little bit of damage left on the skin. With a few little cuts one time (thanks to a very clingy and distracting two year old) we had the perfect chance to give this a go.

This is thicker than most creams as typically there is no water in the make-up of the product, so you don't want to use too much or you'll just end up feeling greasy. Hubby quite liked it, and said it helped make his face feel a lot better and 'happier'. It does have a smell of coconut which he didn't really like, but I like the smell so would happily use it.

While I'm not sure that we would buy this again, don't have a huge need for it, if hubby seems to start to need a product like this then it is what we will look at first.

Value for Money
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diogenes   Review #8230 - Dated: 29th of April, 2013
  Author: diogenes

I found the face balm the hardest to review of all the products. I had the scrub - it was easy to figure out how and when to use it. I used the moisturiser, this too, was easy to figure out how and when to use. But the face balm - I couldn't quite work out when to use in conjunction with the other products. It seemed to be surplus to requirements in my mind.

That said, it did smell good, it went on quickly and easily. It was non-greasy and quickly absorbed - everything it said on the can - well tube. But even then I still couldn't quite figure this one out in my daily regime. Back in my naturopathic days selling natural skin product, it was drilled into me, "Cleanse, tone and moisturise".

Cleansing - I had the scrub and soap. Tone - well, nothing can help me here. I'm getting facially saggy and this is never going to improve, moisturise - well, I have the moisturiser for that and if anything can hydrate my parchment-like skin..... But where do I fit the balm in?

It is a nice product, I will alternate between the balm and the moisturiser at least until I work it out but buy again? Not sure. I see the other reviews are very positive and so don't let my ignorance put you off buying this product.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #8075 - Dated: 10th of April, 2013
  Author: Tucker

I have always preferred having a beard - anything from a goatee or a full face-forest, depending on my mood at the time. So, when I do find it's time to trim back the overgrowth and return to a trim little shrub, I often find myself dreading the aftermath - the curse of sensitive skin on a male's face. This was quite a blessed relief...

After taking the worst of it down with a trimmer, a good scrape with the blade polished off the rest. This, as usual, irritated the heck out of the skin around my upper neck, which causes a lot of discomfort as it rubs on my collar. However, after applying some of this balm, and waiting 10 minutes for my skin to settle, the irritation had all but gone and my neck was quite willing to accept a shirt collar against it without complaint.

Overall, though I am not a big user of "extra stuff" when it comes to shaving - a blade, something act as a glide, and a sink of hot water is usually all I need - this left my skin so comfortable that I will be considering it more regularly, especially if I have an important appointment and forget to shave the night before. A rushed shave is a bad shave, but this can help make it somewhat less uncomfortable! Al also have to admit - the coconut fragrance is one I quite enjoyed. Reminds me of the Malibu liqueur I used to enjoy drinking in my "pub days." ^:)

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kiwigirl04   Review #8053 - Dated: 21st of April, 2013
  Author: kiwigirl04

When I first thought of face balm I was thinking of those little tubes of lip balms you know that ointment stuff, but this isnt that, its like a cream. Its ideal for sensitive skin so good for my skin, while opening the bottle the smell of coconut hits you, now not a liking of mind to be honest.

My daughter managed to tip some out and my room smelt of coconut its the only way I knew she had tipped it, the bonus is, it is smooth to go on tried it on my legs as its further from my nose. I wouldn't use it on my face as its too strong and I wouldn't want it on hubbys face. It does leave the skin feeling smooth and nice.

I like the idea its got aloe vera in it, so this tells me it will help with healing cuts etc as that is what aloe vera is for. As much as its a nice product to use the smell for me is too much, a little less strength might of worked better for me, but thats my personal opinion. Of course it does what it says and is good on my legs.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #7923 - Dated: 1st of April, 2013
  Author: kymmage

The SuperBalm Ultimate Face Balm is a moisturising product. It smells of delicious coconut, so this was another yummy product that I didn't mind my husband smelling of. We also had a bit of a sing song about putting the lime in the coconut (in reference to the zesty lime scrub in the range as well).

After his trial of the scrub the other morning, he shaved. He then chose the SuperBalm to "protect" his skin with. He is a bit wary of moisturisers as they often smell too girlie to him. The balm was cooling, and smelt ok. I think my "yummy coconut" comments probably saved the fragrance a little there. He did find the balm soothing after the scrub and the shave action on his face.

I tried a little of it out on my legs after I shaved them yesterday morning. I really am digging the coconut smell of this balm. But the main reason I liked it was that it goes on easily. The balm seems to soak into your skin and afterwards you don't really feel it on your skin. Its light and does the job. I get some skin flakiness on my legs over summer, and this took care of that for me. This really doesn't feel greasy or oily either. So you feel like its not just protecting your skin but also your clothes and fabric covered furniture. A really nice balm at a decent price.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
Jopukeko   Review #7911 - Dated: 1st of April, 2013
  Author: Jopukeko

When I think of a balm I picture a thick waxy ointment. I have looked up the meaning in good old Wikipedia and it is a topical medical preparation. That means by definition the King of Shaves Face balm will have healing qualities.

I have a combination skin and have had reactions to skin creams in the past so was very pleased to see that this was dermatologically tested as save for sensitive skin. True to the testing my skin benefited from using the balm and didn't have any negative side effects.

The first thing that I noticed when I opened the lid was the lovely coconut scent great for both men and women. The balm is a natural white cream consistency. It rubbed into my skin easily and was very refreshing. I discovered by reading the label that one of the main ingredients was aloe vera. The feeling on my skin made me think that it would be ideal for calming sunburn or razor burn (thankfully I've had none of these issues lately).

I love this face balm and although my husband won't admit it (he is from the real men don't use moisturisers way of thinking) I'm sure he has been using it as the tube has been moved. I have noticed when I forget to use the balm that my skin just doesn't feel right.

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Printed at 05:41:11pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024