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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Cereal/Muesli products > GoNatural Macadamia Divine
  ProdID: 3475 - GoNatural Macadamia DivineProduced byGoNatural Product Score: 8.9 
GoNatural Macadamia Divine

Price : $3.50
Supplier :
Available : at selected quality retailers

Australian macadamia nuts coated with a dollop of pure honey and smothered with a carob coating. The flavours combine to produce a divine natural taste experience. An all natural indulgence.

    •  Gluten Free
    •  Caffeine Free
    •  High in Fibre - 10% RDI
    •  No Artificial Colours or Flavours
    •  Low in Sodium
Value for Money
Visual Appeal
Tucker   Review #6404 - Dated: 13th of September, 2012
  Author: Tucker

Having recently been introduced to Macadamia nuts,I was dead keen to give this bar a go. At first glance, I thought it was coated in chocolate, due to the picture on the front and nothing to indicate otherwise, however my first bite alerted me to the carob coating. As a child, I recall Carob being a rather unpleasant 'treat' that always felt somewhat less than one... right into my adult years, that impression has deterred me from really giving carob a fair shot. Times have changed... or my taste buds have... because this bar was delightful!

The crisp nuts, puffed rice and grits were an inspired combo, and the sweetness of the honey helped elevate the carob to something I was more than happy to snarf down with glee. The size of the bar gave a good portion without leaving me hungry afterwards, or having any leftovers to try and wrap up. This was an important factor for me, because the wrapper proved a little stubborn and ended up getting quite badly ripped when it finally decided to stop arguing and break it's seal.

Overall, this was a very yummy snack, and if healthy too! The natural sugars and lack of masses of artificial binders and bulkers mean it's something you can snack on between meals, or let the kids have, and not feel guilty. The only thing that puts me off is the price, and even that is mainly because we have been spoilt by the mass-produced garbage that clogs the supermarket shelves. Healthy eating isn't the cheapest way to go these days, so if you want the best, you pay the premium prices. Taking that into account, these aren't at all unreasonable in price and worth trying at the very least.

Value for Money
Visual Appeal
mizim   Review #6338 - Dated: 4th of September, 2012
  Author: mizim

I got my husband to eat this, as I'm having issues with chocolate at the moment, but I did have a small bite of it, otherwise I'd have no idea on how good or bad it tasted.

My husband really liked this, that was made obvious by the fact that it was gone very very quickly.

It tastes great, there was no bad after taste, and everything just went so well together. It was the perfect mix of macadamia nut, honey and carob. We're never to sure about carob, as sometimes it comes out tasting nasty, but they got it perfect when it came to this.

While it's a little expensive, we would buy it again as a treat every now and again. I myself plan on buying one or two for hubby's Christmas stocking filler

Value for Money
Visual Appeal
websam   Review #6330 - Dated: 2nd of September, 2012
  Author: websam

The macadamia divine bar from Go Natural is pretty much the dark equivalent of the macadamia dream bar also made by Go Natural.

This bar is chock full of macadamias, and you won't be disappointed in this regard. While you initially think the coating of the bar is chocolate, it is actually chocolates poor cousin carob making an appearance.

While some people use carob that tastes funny, and a lot of people have a love or hate relationship with carob, the one used by Go Natural is actually really good, with a nice taste, you probably wouldn't bat an eyelid as you ate this bar.

The divine bar wasn't as sweet as the dream bar, which was a bit too much for me. But the divine bar had the mix correct, was great tasting, packed full of nuts, and combined with the packaging, really did feel like a treat to eat.

The only let down would have to be the price, at $3.50 it sure is at the high end for a bar of it's size. Quality and taste are there though, so should be tried to appreciate a great bar with macadamias.

Value for Money
Visual Appeal
tessak   Review #6251 - Dated: 20th of August, 2012
  Author: tessak

I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to review a selection of GoNatural bars recently, one of which was the Macadamia Divine.

Initially I was a little hesitant about trying this one, not because it did not look or sound great but because I have had other carob before and have been far from impressed. In fact carob, until recently, was something I had always stayed away from due to not liking the flavour. BUT wow was I in for a surprise.

The GoNatural Macadamia Divine bars certainly lives up to its name...It is definitely divine by all accounts. The bar itself is a gorgeous mix of honey and macadamias, coated in the most 'divine' carob ever created. The 3 go hand in hand making every mouthful dance with your taste buds. My only disappointment was that it was gone all to soon :( I could have easily eaten a second one if there was one on hand :)

Like other bars in the range, the wrapper is great, easy on the high, tells you exactly what you are in for and easy to open too.

As stated above the GoNatural Macadamia Dream is
  • Gluten Free
  • Caffeine Free
  • High in Fibre - 10% RDI
  • No Artificial Colours or Flavours
  • Low in Sodium
  • Making it the perfect snack or addition to any lunch box, its healthy, full of flavour and perfect for the kids too.

    Unfortunately the price is a bit of a let down, $3.50 for a bar of this size, despite all its great qualities, is far more than I would be prepared to pay. But it certainly was delicious.

    Value for Money
    Visual Appeal
    Jopukeko   Review #6189 - Dated: 9th of August, 2012
      Author: Jopukeko

    Having only recently discovered how tasty and nutritious macadamia nuts are I was keen to try Go Natural's Macadamia Divine. It is a delicious blend of macadamia, honey and what I thought was chocolate. I discovered after I had eaten it that the bar was actually coated in carob. I didn't tell my husband it was carob and he didn't say anything so he must have thought it was chocolate too.

    I found the honey to be the dominant flavour with the nuts providing the crunch. My husband thought the nuts were the main taste. We were both very impressed with how full of nuts it it was.

    Many similar bars would have cheap ingredients like rice bubbles to bulk out the bar. Although it contains puffed rice there are very few of them and they add texture to the bar. It is a quality bar that suits it's name and would be great in a gift basket.

    Value for Money
    Visual Appeal
    kymmage   Review #6184 - Dated: 9th of August, 2012
      Author: kymmage

    I had the pleasure of trying the Go Natural Macadamia Divine bar recently. This bar features macadamias covered in honey and then coated in carob. Puffed rice is also listed as an ingredient.

    I liked the packaging. It gives you the impression you are about to enjoy something a bit naughty. It doesn't mention carob on the front but it is listed on the back. I did have to use some scissors to get into it though.

    The carob coating is smooth and creamy as the packet promises. But still has that 'not quite chocolate' taste that carob always has. The bar is chewy like a chocolate coated museli bar. The honey has a lot more give in this bar, and so is less like toffee nut brittle compared to other bars in the range.

    The rice puffs add to the chewy sensation and give the base of the bar a slight crunch. The nuts only account for 40 per cent and this does show from the chew-factor. The taste of the nuts is often overpowered by the sweetness of the carob and the honey as well. But the macadamias are delicious when they are allowed to feature on your palate and they have a satisfying scrunch on your teeth.

    A delicious bar but just not my first choice if I want to taste macadamias.

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    Printed at 05:47:06pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024