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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Confectionery > Mac Bar - Dark & Milk
  ProdID: 3372 - Mac Bar - Dark & MilkManufactured byMac Snack Product Score: 7.6 
Mac Bar - Dark & Milk

Price : $1.75 - $4.00
Supplier :
Available : via the company website, at selected quality retailers and Farmers Markets

Organic macadamia nuts chipped into a mix of organic milk and dark chocolates, and shaped into a 30g bar of healthy goodness.

Our Macadamia Nuts are grown chemical-free and naturally fertilised, giving you a safe, healthy, nutritious and flavourful nut.

Macadamia Nuts are rich in beneficial Omega-3 polyunsaturated oil. Macadamia Oil has the highest level of C16:1 (Desmethyl) of any known plant oil and the lowest levels of Omega W6 fatty acids of all culinary vegetable oils. 5 to 20 Macadamia Nuts a day has proven to lower cholesterol levels.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
Missvicqui   Review #6087 - Dated: 15th of July, 2012
  Author: Missvicqui

This is the second bar I tried, going by past personal taste, I tried the dark bar first and decided to end on the milk bar, hoping I saved the best til last.

This bar had me curious, a mix of dark and milk chocolate. Surprisingly there was no way to tell by just looking at the bar which was a little odd.

This bar still had the velvety texture and a great amount of macadamias (which I LOVE) but the dark taste is too overpowering for my taste buds.
Health wise, these are a great guilt free treat and the health benefits are appealing too, 5 to 20 macadamias a day can lower cholesterol levels.
If you are not a dark chocolate fan then I wouldn't suggest trying this one

Value for Money
Personal Choice
crackerjack   Review #5992 - Dated: 22nd of June, 2012
  Author: crackerjack

This was the third bar we tried, because I wasn't too sure about how a mix of the smooth sweetness of the milk and the strong sharpness of the dark was going to come out. Seemed to me it would be not sweet enough to overcome the sharpness, so taste a bit like a half-arsed attempt. I was so very very wrong, as my young mokopuna was quick to point out when he swiped the remains of my share while I was deep in thought with my tastebuds.

Because I only got about 2 small bites of this bar, my opinion wasn't entirely solid in my head, so forgive me if I don't really cover all the points. The flavour was somewhere between the two bars as expected, some sweetness but with an edge to it from the dark chocolate. This was such a wonderful combination I can't figure out how it isn't done a lot more. The bittersweet taste would go really well in a dessert, but at the price these go for, I would not want to risk wasting it if my guess was wrong.

I originally had plans to grate this over a sundae or banana boat dessert, but after putting all three bars in the fridge I forgot about them until my little helper saw them when he came to visit and went to find a snack. I guess unless I find these in a shop or decide to try this buying online thing, I won't know if my idea would have worked.

This was a wonderful treat, and if I get the chance to get more, I will be sure to share them with the rest of the whanau. Maybe one of them will decide to be kind to old Koro and shout me a few bars back. :)

Value for Money
Personal Choice
tessak   Review #5941 - Dated: 8th of June, 2012
  Author: tessak

Like Mizim, I too was keen to see what this bar was going to look like. I expected a dark chocolate bottom with a lighter chocolate top, or perhaps a swirl of light and dark. However sadly the bar is just the one colour, ^lol, kind of leaving you feeling slightly ripped off, as though it should have been two toned.

This one was my favorite of the three I tried. To be perfectly honest, there is not a huge difference between the three chocolate bars, other than the shade differences in the chocolate and the obvious higher cocoa in the dark chocolate there is not a huge difference at all. All three bars have the same amount of macadamias through out and all are very nice to eat. with the smooth velvety texture.

I admit that I did not share any of the chocolate with any one else, so these are definitely a single serve item. For the price, $1.75 to $4.00 depending on where purchased, I can honestly say that I would be quite prepared to pay up to $2.50 for this particular bar as I really did like it. All mac snack products I have reviewed would all make great additions to a gift basket also.

Oh and best of all, you can eat the entire bar without feeling guilty or sick!! :-)

Value for Money
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #5911 - Dated: 4th of June, 2012
  Author: mizim

I think the thing that I was most curious about, was how this bar of chocolate would look. I expected it to be two slightly different colours, but it was all one colour. It has a nice and smooth texture, and the nuts add just the right amount of crunch to the bar.
I'm not yet convinced on the flavour of the bar as I found that every now and then I would get a little bit of slightly sweeter, and then a spot of slightly more bitter, which detracted from the overall taste of the chocolate itself.
This isn't something that I would pick for myself, but the price is not too bad, though again, for personal choice I would probably only want to spend about $2.50 max on it, it would still be a good choice for a gift basket.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #5869 - Dated: 25th of May, 2012
  Author: Tucker

When purchased direct from the supplier, these are actually as cheap, if not cheaper, than buying a chocolate bar from a petrol station or dairy. On that basis I felt they were pretty good value for money, especially when they taste so amazing. I don't know what it is about the mix of milk and dark chocolate and the macadamia nuts, but every bite had a flavour that hinted at a really smooth bourbon... and I loved it!

Hand-crafted and individually moulded, these are not 'pretty' bars by any stretch, but that makes them just brilliant in my book - machine-made chocolate has it's charms, but handmade has CHARACTER! I would not hesitate to put a few of these in any gift hamper I made up. They would suit even a corporate gift, the quality is that good.

Fully organic, and clearly marked as such, these are a great choice for anyone who wants to ensure they are eating food that is as free from unwanted additives as possible - and the rich, velvet smooth chocolate and crisp macadamia chunks prove it.

Overall, this was a real delight to eat. As much as I wanted to experiment with this in the #FoodLab, it just didn't last long enough. ^;)

Value for Money
Personal Choice
Jopukeko   Review #5850 - Dated: 20th of May, 2012
  Author: Jopukeko

Of all the Mac Snack products I had been given to review this was the one I was most curious about. I wasn't sure what it would look like because it was a dark and milk chocolate bar. I thought perhaps it would have two layers or swirly stripes. It was actually all the same colour. It was a delicious blend of milk and dark chocolate. There wasn't the bitterness of a dark chocolate yet it wasn't too sweet either. The macadamias added to the overall experience.

The bar is only 30g, so I savoured it more than what I would have with a larger bar. It was obviously designed to be eaten in one sitting as there wasn't the traditional brick shape of most chocolate bars.

The cost makes this a luxurious treat rather than a regular indulgence. It would be great in a gift basket too. Now I need to find out where I can purchase it near me.

ADMIN NOTE: All "Mac Snack" products can be purchased via the company website. See the link in the Product Information panel above for more details.

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Printed at 06:22:20pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024