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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Toys > Electronic > U.B. Funkeys - 'Speed Racer' Starter Kit
  ProdID: 1802 - U.B. Funkeys - 'Speed Racer' Starter KitManufactured byRadica Product Score: 9.8 
U.B. Funkeys - 'Speed Racer' Starter Kit

Price : $59.95
Supplier :
Available : at selected retailers

With the launch of the new 'Speed Racer' movie, you can now get down and Funkey, and join in the fun!

With an all-new Start Pack, including a racy Funkey Hub, 2 Funkey movie characters and an installation CD* you will soon be racing around the track of Royalton Raceway, boxing your way through badguys, knocking down lollie-stealing ninjas, and many other fun minigames in this newest expansion of the ever-growing, always-opular newest fad game!

Let's go Racing!

* NOTE: Online connection required to download updated content.

Website: www.ubfunkeys.com

Free Game Datasheet: See our Downloads page
Fun Factor
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #2506 - Dated: 28th of May, 2008
  Author: Tucker

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I have seen the shorts and it looks pretty... but the Funkeys version is far more fun! Being able to drive around the Royalton Raceway track and jump over other cars, shoot them with grappling hooks, etc is heaps of fun. You can even pop yourself into a toy RC car and drive around the track... for a cost of 5 coins... but no worries, there are coins just lying around waiting to be picked up... if you are brave enough and quick enough to avoid the racecars zooming past!

If you try to cross the track, as you must do just to get into the Raceway proper, you have to dodge the racecars... get touched, and it's time for a reflex test! A minigame pops up that looks like the old-style driving game, except instead of driving a car and having to pass others, you are a funkey standing in the middle of a 3-lane raceway and have to dodge the oncoming traffic! Stay safe long enough, and you safely cross the road with a narrow miss... get touched by the minicars and you not only get bowled off the road, you lose around 15 coins for your efforts. This, for me, was the only 'naff' part of the expansion. At least with the henchmen, you had a chance to mitigate your losses.

The other minigames I played were immense fun, so if you like the game in the first place, you're going to really get into this expansion! With lots of new characters to find and play with, even a few rare ones, you're going to have hours of fun, no matter your age. My favourite character and minigame: Chim Chim... I just laughed myself silly hurling choc chip cookies and bouncing ninjas, and try to steal back my candy! LOL Icon

Overall... an excellent expansion, well worth playing... if you are keen to do the 113mb download. broadband users be aware of data caps, dial-up users be aware you will need to leave your machine chugging away for about 8 hours straight!

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Printed at 07:36:01pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024