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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Movies > Action > Fool's Gold
  ProdID: 1724 - Fool's GoldDirected byAndy Tennant Product Score: 6.0 
Fool's Gold

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Ben "Finn" Finnegan is an affable, modern-day treasure hunter who is obsessed with finding the legendary 18th century Queen's Dowry - 40 chests of priceless treasure that was lost at sea in 1715. In his quest, Finn has sunk everything he has, including his marriage to Tess. Just as Tess has begun to rebuild her life, working aboard a mega-yacht owned by billionaire Nigel Honeycutt, Finn discovers a vital clue to the treasure's whereabouts.

Much to Tess' consternation, Finn maneuvers himself aboard Nigel's yacht and, using his roguish charm, convinces the tycoon and his celebutante daughter, Gemma, to join him in the pursuit of the Spanish treasure. But they are not the only ones after the prize. Finn's one-time mentor, Moe Fitch, and a ruthless local gangster are intent on beating Finn to the prize.

    •  Kate Hudson
    •  Matthew McConaughey
    •  Donald Sutherland
    •  Ray Winstone
    •  Ewen Bremner
    •  Roger Sciberras
    •  Brian Hooks
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mizim   Review #10757 - Dated: 28th of February, 2014
  Author: mizim

Not a fun movie for me at all.

After the great chemistry and comedic timing of Hudson and McCounaghy in "How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days", I expected something at least as funny or cute but the writing and the dialogue were insipid. Scenes which should have been hysterical were so poorly timed that it left me scratching my head. This movie was in dire need of some ruthless editing. The comedic timing was off...way off, with moments of long stares that are meant to mean something but just fail.

And why in the name of all that is holy did the writer feel the need to introduce the Gemma Honeycutt character to this story? I felt like the writer was trying so hard to tell the audience, "This character is supposed to be stupid, do you get it everyone? This character is stupid. The writer, in trying to convey that Gemma is a moron, underestimated the intelligence of the entire audience. I felt like this movie was a complete waste of my money and I only hired it on DVD.

Not a movie that I shall be watching again any time soon, I didn't enjoy it and found it more annoying than anything.

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Tucker   Review #2406 - Dated: 10th of February, 2008
  Author: Tucker

I have seen many action adventure flicks, and until now my favourite was Sahara, so I wasn't really surprised when this one took that title... it still had my new favourite action star, McConaughey, but it also had the delightful Kate Hudson, the talented Donald Sutherland, and a familiar face, Malcolm-Jamal Warner of Cosby Show fame...

Set in the beautiful Bahamas, there was certainly enough scenery to admire. The movie had enough action to keep it attention-grabbing, but not so much as to be considered a prolonged explosion with a few bits of dialogue scattered on top... it also had some great moments of comedy, with McConaughey's character being something that reminded me of Keanu Reeve's character in the Bill & Ted movies! A part he played all too well... but that was what really made the movie for me. Smile Icon

Overall, an excellent movie well worth seeing if you enjoy a bit of light-hearted action. No Arnold Schwartisface wearing cheap shades here... no Ramblo stalking through the forest with warpaint on... not even a bus with a bomb strapped to it's chassis running amok... but there are guns, explosions, people being dumped into the ocean with an anchor for a fashion accessory, flying waterplanes (and crashing ones) and lots of speedboats! Throw in the quips, one-liners and a highly believable treasure hunt plot... and you have an excellent way to pass an afternoon.

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Printed at 08:18:26pm on Sunday 02nd June 2024